May Professional Development & Round Table Event

  • May 18, 2017
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Solomon Ortiz International Center


  • Special price for members

Registration is closed

Round Table Event

CBSHRM is excited to host the May Professional Development Meeting as a round table event!  This round table event will give you the opportunity to obtain best practice advice and network with your peers.  This exciting event will have five tables labeled with one of the topics described below. 

Navigate conversation regarding recruiting efforts and resources including pros and cons of the different outlets available, such as print and online campaigns, plus the use of social media in recruiting.  Discuss the local candidate pool and trends seen regarding motivation to apply and what's communicated as important by local job seekers.
Compensation should be both externally competitive with the relevant market and internally aligned with individuals who have similar responsibilities, demonstrated competencies and experience.  Discussion will include development, execution and maintenance of components of a compensation system:  pay plans, job descriptions, salary surveys, and different types of compensation.
 Proper onboarding is the key to retaining and engaging talent.  Discuss onboarding practices, review HR checklists for new hires and supervisors, and SHRM's New Employee Onboarding Guide.
Look at the HR Professional role and how Human Resources is not only about the life cycle and support of an employee, but how we do all of that within the framework of numerous laws and regulations.  A few of the topics covered may include:  FLSA, FMLA, ADA(AA), USERRA, Title V, ACA, Disciplinary, HR Audits, Education and Training, Handbooks...and other issues that are important to you!
Why don't companies focus on development?  Discuss hurdles or hindrances that we in HR run in to when looking in to our organizational and development pieces.  Determine options to develop people.  Review how companies can move from a "check the box" performance review scenario to a dynamic learning organization.

Participants should come ready to share experiences and feedback to "real life" development and performance management programs.

Only 50 seats available!

Tables are first come, first serve.  Come early to get a seat at your preferred table!  Feel free to bring any materials you may want to have reviewed or share with others as a best practice. 

This is one event you don't want to miss!

Sponsored By:

January Professional Development Meeting 

When: January 16, 2025

Time:  11:30 am - 1:00pm

Location: Embassy Suites Corpus Christi 4337 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX 78411

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